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This is the climax scene in the 2019 film Joker. This was one of my    favorite films from last year. Joaquin Phoenix's acting is phenomenal and the entire film looks spectacular. The use of color in this film is really noticeable.  The use of the cyan look against the warm yellow lighting of the city compliments itself really well. This scene is the most memorable from the film because of the the intensity and it is the true reveal of Joker. I really like this scene because it has some really creative shots. There is a shot where the camera is moving in on the reflection of Joker on the lens of the TV camera shooting the TV show they he is on. Joker is out of focus and its a really eerie and creative shot. Joaquin Phoenix also shows off his laugh in this scene which he called the hardest part of the character to get right. 


This scene from Pulp Fiction is such an iconic scene that I feel is referenced a lot. Samuel L. Jackson is the star of this scene. The juxtaposition of how Jackson is casually asking about the burgers and the intensity of whats going on is fantastic.  He is casually asking questions and just pulls his gun and shoots someone in the room. There are a lot of closeups of the characters in this scene which create the intensity of the scene.  The acting drives this scene and it is filled with so many iconic lines. Nothing remarkable is happening with the lighting or music, it is just such an entertaining scene. 


This again is such a memorable iconic scene that is referenced so often. It for me is such a nostalgic scene because I remember watching this movie all the time when I was younger and wishing my bike could fly. The image of ET flying in the bike in front of the moon is probably the most iconic image in cinema history. During the chase some of the shots are really interesting. They go low, high, wide, close, and some shots even look like the camera is attached to the bike to create the shaken and panic feeling of the kids. The music from this scene is also ingrained in my memory and is recognizable anywhere. The flying effect was created by bolting a bike onto the end of a camera crane and lifting it in front of a blue screen in a studio. 

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