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This is a News Story on the newly run MITH program here at School. For this story I filmed and edited it all. Both of the people I wanted to interview were happy to participate. Graham was totally into it and he was flexible with missing part of his A block.  We filmed in the Library, which turned out to be. a good spot. For both interviews I wish I planned a little more in advance, such as emailing them earlier, site scouting and things like that. I shot my b roll first while I was waiting for Graham to respond if I cold Interview him. I had no time to really prepare for Mr. Nicholson's interview, he responded saying if I came up to his room in the next five minutes that I could interview him. Emily was great for my Standups. While editing I realized I wanted some more b roll, so I went to shoot it. BUT I CAN NOT FIND MUSIC FOR MY LIFE, so I put some random jazz in the background, it will be changed for the real show. Overall it came out well, but I just wish I could have been a little more prepared.  

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