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The Social NETwork Breakup Scene 

(shot reverse shot example)

P.S. - I am having some tech difficulties at home but still trying to work on films. Im making a stop motion animation right now, and practicing editing skills on a free trial of Final Cut

This is a perfect example of a shot reverse shot during a dialogue. It is kept really simple here so the audience can focus on the intense dialogue written by Aaron Sorkin. But simply these is a series of over the shoulder shots bouncing between her right shoulder and his left shoulder. This keeps the on opposite sides of the frame and balances the scene. And this cinematography adds to the intensity of the scene because we don't get any breathing room in the shots or rest in between them. The only break we get from it is the very end of the scene where she gets up and walks out, it becomes a wider shot (still following the 180 rule) of the entire table. 


(shot reverse shot example)

This is another scene that comes to mind when I think of shot reverse shot. But it is done in a different way here. Instead of a bounce back between over the shoulder shots, the singles are shot between the conversation. The lens appears to actually be in between the McConaughey and Leo here. But the shot reverse shot is still executed because of the way they are framed in their shot. They are on opposite sides which makes it look like they are looking at each other. Great scene!

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