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During this Interview, I was the interviewer, Mark was the Interviewed, and Julia was the DP. I think the hardest job was to be the Interviewer. It required the handling overall management of the Interview. I had to come up with questions on the spot, and make sure my Interviewer presented them in a way that would work for a final product. I had to cut out many questions due to not repeating the questions. 

For this Interview, I was being interviewed by Julia, Mark was the DP. I liked being interviewed, it took the least prep and on the spot thinking. It felt like we were just having a conversation. This is my favorite interview out of the 2 that were done. I like the shot, lighting, pace, etc. I just need to work on pronunciation of words and not to fade off at the end. 

For this interview I was the DP, Julia was being interviewed, and Mark was Interviewing her. I hate how the shot looks, it to too wide of a shot, it needs to be much closer. The lighting is good though. I think this job required the least work because you use set up the shot and press record, and don't really do anything else. The sound for this is much better too. 

Interviews Pt. 2

​I was interviewed for this, Adam was the interviewer and Lucy was the DP. Since it was raining we had to film inside, I wished we used 2 lights to make better lighting. The audio was much grainer and not clean because there was a ton of background noise so it was not just listening for my voice (which does have to be louder). But again I think it was pretty easy, it came more naturally than the first time around. 

For this interview I was interviewing Lucy, Adam was the DP. Were in the same environment so lighting, shot, and sound were the same. It was hard for finding b roll for this interview. 

Adam was Interviewed for this. I was the Dp, again it was super easy, its well edited and I think it has a good pace. I just wish the lighting and sound were higher quality. I think the overall first round of interview worked out better. 

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