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Chapin Eyre

January 31, 2019


Documentary Review: RAPTURE (Logic Episode)

Netflix original documentary series


Rapture is a Netflix Original Documentary series that follows the lives of current hip-hops artists. I watched the Logic Episode. This documentary episode is unlike any documentary I have ever seen. It is almost like reality tv show due to the people acknowledging the camera on the moment. And the entire episode feels like it is happening in the moment even though it’s really about Logic’s childhood and the release of his album Everybody. The sheer amount of footage and interview that had to film for this must have been insane. Unlike most documentary’s it is not footage that has already been around or pictures added in Ken burns style. Most of the footage is current shots and interviews of him , his whole staff, family, on tour, in the studio, at his home, with his friends, driving, everything. All of these shots are why it feels so current and almost not like a documentary. The composition of shots during interviews is some of my favorite that I have ever seen. In the short hour long episode you feel like you get to know Logic. It’s not telling a story it’s living the story while still explaining how he got to this point and talking about his career and life like his story is over, even though it’s not. The flow of the documentary is really good. I feel like the documentary is very balanced with content. Shows are even spread out, interviews. I think they match the tone and feel of the documentary really well to match what he is describing in his career. The high points and low points and how it all comes to a climax but when he gets to the climax he feels that fall. With the shot selection, music, tone, it all matches his story. The documentary looks very cinematic almost like it could be a movie. Beautiful rack focuses, complex shots, not the usual cookie cutter interviews with Ken Burns images as B roll. The amount of interviews done is great, so we get variety in the interviews. We can tell they happen over a period of time and not just in one sitting. Overall I really enjoyed this documentary for its detailed storytelling, cinematic shots, sheer amount of footage, and style. I give this documentary a 4.3 star rating, so I definitely suggest this documentary. I take the .7 stars away due to it  drifting away from a ture documentary. RAPTURE

Logic: Grey matters, was a fun doc to watch and I enjoyed it very much.


News ideas:

Preview of winter pep rally (funny vid w winter sports captains and teammates)

Winter weather across the country (maybe specificity at BBA/ talking to the maintenance crew)

Hip hop club introduction (interviews, b roll of meetings)

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